Friday, March 7, 2008

Personal Roles

Ang Bee Feng

My name is ANG BEE FENG. I am the manager of our CSR project. As a manager, my duties is to manage the activities throughout the whole project to make sure that these activities are carried out in time and to ensure our project will be completed on time. Since the due date of the project were set by our Coach: Dr.Ellisha, I used backward scheduling to determine the start date and to manage the time available for us to allocate to each activities. I realized that the time available to us is limited so our group had decided to meet at least once a week for our CSR project during our first meeting. After discussing with my group members, we segregate the duties in four areas, Manager, Editor, Creative/Presentation manager, and Solutions-based Idea Manager. I am the manager of this CSR-Project.

Starting from articles finding, each of us was responsible to find 10 articles and 2 case studies. After that, we come out with 20 articles range from year 2000 to 2007 and 5 case studies that we think are most suitable to show the trends on the topic of our CSR-Project and included them in our project. After reviewing and analyzing the 20 articles and the case studies, I wrote a summary to describe the trends happening within the local and international scene with respect to our CSR topic.

We chosen Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd as our study company decided to propose it with the solutions model to its processes from CSR-perspective. We discussed and prepared one set of questionnaire for interview purpose by narrowing the area of our study by focusing on the field of “Employment of People with Disabilities” because we think that we should be more specific in our investigation. After that, we made an appointment and interviewed with the organization at Crystal Suit obtain more understanding of it operation in depth. Based on the information we get from interview, we analyzed the organization policies in respect to our topic and finally we identified there are 5 weaknesses regarding to the issues of “Employment of People with Disabilities” as we mentioned in our project. We discuss and assigned the weaknesses to our group members with one for each of them. And I was responsible to analyze weakness 3 (Weaknesses in Employment Policies and Practice) in depth and to provide a solution model and recommendations on the organization’s employment policies.

In order to provide make it easier for understanding the employment process of the organization, I decided to establish three types of improvement tools (in diagram) which i think is more suitable to support and describe the organization’s policies in respect to our topic. They are “Service Blueprint”, “Fishbone Diagram”, and “House of Quality”. I assigned “Fishbone Diagram” and “House of Quality” to two of my group members and I was responsible to develop the “Service Blueprint”. I prepared two set of service blue printing to differentiate the model of the existing system and the expected system of the employment process of the organization after adapting the recommended improvement solution model. They are “As-Is” Blueprint and the “Should-be” Blueprint. I use the “As-Is” Blueprint to analyze the non value-adding steps and potential failure in the existing employment process of the organization. Though, the “Should-Be” Blueprint is used to provide a guide for improving the process and to show the system improvement after introducing the solution model in the employment process.

After we complete all the elements required, we combine and edit the report in a standard format. Finally, we were processed to the design of the digital poster for our CSR-Project and decided all the contents and elements that we wish to include in our web log, we passed the draft of the poster for one of our group member for her to develop the digital poster. However, there was a new standard given by our coach regarding to our poster and the web log components. We realized that the poster that we designed was not fulfilling the standard and we need another new poster.

Because there was time constraint for us to meet and design the poster, I was responsible to design and develop a new poster that including all the components that needed by our coach. Finally, I completed the poster on time and printed it out. I passed it to my group member so that she can upload it on our web log.

Hew Yoke Sun
I’m Hew Yoke Sun, whom have served as Solution Based-Idea Manager in this CSR project. It is a quite challenging obligation for me. It is because it involved some of the difficult tasks which I never experience before such as I need to study and analysis the problems which we had identify during our meeting before and identify adequate ways to solve the problems and finally discuss with the group member in order to select the best solution for the problems.

Before conducting the interview with Dream Catcher Manager, our group had review the company profile and identifies some relevant questions to quest the Manager during the interview session. Besides, we also had conducts a short survey by having a simple face to face communication with the Dream Catcher employees and record all the feedback from them. Thus, each of us has to deal with Dream Catcher employees individually.

Furthermore, each of us is responsible to search out ten relevant articles (foreign and local) and analyst five study cases which consistence with our CSR project. After that, we discuss together and select the most suitable articles and study cases for our CSR project while during our group meeting. In addition, I’m also taking responsible to give suggestions or solutions for the insufficient benefits towards employee with disability.

Other than that, each of us also need to select and elaborate one appropriate types of operational processes/system which we consider need to integrate and use in developing an innovation to particular aspects of Dream Catcher Sdn Bhd. Me myself have been assigned to evaluate and explain the lean management operational processes for Dream Catcher Sdn Bhd. To make our project become more precise and clear each of us also need to choose and explain an improvement tool for our CSR project. As a problems solution manager, I’m choosing to drawn a fishbone diagrams to outlines the five weakness and solutions which we had identify during out group discussion.

Lastly, our whole group had conducted three more groups meeting to design and create our poster and web blog. Each of us had spoke out our own ideas and suggestion while in designing our poster and web blog and later we come out our final poster and web blog. All of us had executed our own obligation by following our schedule and we are successful completed our CSR project on time.

Boey Kuan Kee
My role for this revolution group is Creative/Presentation Manager. At the beginning, I was assigned to find 10 articles from local newspaper concerning disable employees throughout the year or 2000 – 2007. After successfully searching the articles, I have done one case study about the Royal Selangor company accomplished their corporate social responsibility.

Besides that, I had done two weaknesses and two solutions for a company name Dream Catcher on their beneficial to their disable employees. Cream Catcher is a company that located in Crystal Suite that hired a few disable workers. We eventually make an appointment with the manager and went up for a short interview to understand more on their department.

I have done Total Quality Management too. Inside the content of TQM, I try to put in as many contents as I can about TQM. Under TQM subtitles are diagram for Plan-Do-Act-Control, ISO and so on.

I have created a web blog too. With the web blog I have upload our progress project. I was responsible for decorating and editing the web as I am a Creative/Presentation Manager. After my team members finished goods I will start uploading them to the web for our lecture’s reference.

As for the digital poster, I have played my part in contributing idea and ways to make it look more attractive. As to finalize everything, our group usually set a meeting to edit the printout and to discuss about things to be uploaded to web blog.

Goh Xue Lee
The topic of our group’s CSR project is “Access for People with Disabilities”. There are three components under this project which are Component I: Mapping Trend, Component II: Developing and Component III: Project Deliverables. All components have been followed up on time. Each of our group members has been held by a position, whilst I am the editor in this project.

First of all, I find 10 quality articles which are related to our topic-“Access for People with Disabilities” from the local business-related magazine- Malaysian Business via internet. After that, we select 20 best-quality articles ranging from the year 2000 till present and 5 good case studies from the combination of all members’ articles and case studies. We start to do research and choose an organization which we would like to propose innovation to its processes from Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) perspectives based on the topic chosen above. We decide to select Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd as the organization. After going through discussion then we come out a questionnaire which go into narrow topic in “Access for People with Disabilities”. We also prepare five questions to be asked in the interview. I go through and study the company’s profile and background before go for an interview so that we know more about the company’s background and its operations in-depth. We interview the Operations Manager of Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd at Crystal Suite.

After interviewing with Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd Operations Manager, we obtained an understanding of the company in the process of the employment of people with disabilities. We then identify and analyze the weaknesses of Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd from CSR perspectives based on the employment of people with disabilities perspective. We noticed that the welfare provided by the company towards the people with disabilities is insufficient. We realize that Dream Catcher’s operation flow has few weaknesses. From the weaknesses that we get, we have gone through discussion and research to find out some solutions to overcome the weaknesses. The weaknesses include of insufficient facilities provided for the PWD in the workplace, no involvemnt in giving charity for the disabled people, weaknesses in emplyment policies and practise, Insufficient benefit towards PWD, and the gap between the PWD with colleges. In this part, I responsible to provide a solution to the first weakness: insufficient facilities towards People with Disabilities (PWDs). In my opinion, I feel that the company should provide new facilities, best suitable equipments that allow movement of people and goods in and around new or refurbished buildings to PWDs, specific parking lots, proper working desks and chairs which are suitable to PWDs, rail/bus/commuter facilities and services must be readily available and accessible to people with disabilities.

Next, I choose the value creation as the operational processes and concepts which I would like to integrate and use in developing an innovation to its processes from CSR perspectives based on the employment of people with disabilities. In order to link the solutions to the operational process-value creation (how the solutions provided create value to Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd), I have to review all members’ recommended solutions with link to the others three operational processes/system and concepts. After that, I come out with a conclusion and completed designed House of Quality with the recommended solutions. As we know, the House of Quality provides several benefits. I design it to summarize the recommended solutions to Dream Catcher Consulting Sdn Bhd to improve the weaknesses of employment of people with disabilities. It will also help the company improving its reputation as the company pays more concern in CSR perspectives.

As an editor, I review and check the progress report so that the provided information is on the trend. I also have to make sure that the format of the project is consistent with the instructions given by coach and there are no any misstatements and grammatical error.
Before come to the end, we meet once to design the digital poster and update our web log by uploading the updated information. We are faithfully completing our CSR project on time as the entire group members are put more effort and finish their tasks on time. This is such an effectiveness and efficiency way to smooth the flow of the project.

Finally, I also want to thank to our coach for helping and advising us by providing many appreciated suggestions and improvement towards our CSR project. Thank you, Dr. Ellisha.

1 comment:

Vishal said...

Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy
functions as a self-regulatory mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law,
csr topic